my favorite quasi-backdoor SSH capability (today) is ""Russia URAL Special Auth Feature""
alias ffssh="ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oCiphers=+3des-cbc"
Today is a big day for OpenSSH patching:
Amazing work as always by the Qualys security research team, you can find the full advisory on "regreSSHion" at
The OpenSSH release notes are a fantastic read as well, especially the bits about timing analysis:
Lastly, if anyone else planning to drop SSH zero-day before summer camp, please give me a heads up, it's tough keeping a list of all of the cool research that our talk won't cover 😆
Is This the Blind Spot in K-12 Cybersecurity and Student Privacy?
I really enjoy using the @trailofbits weAudit extension for VSCode; it took the place of the Bookmarks extension and markdown files for my code review work:
"One Weird Trick" to find Kaspersky products in your network. Don't worry, we link the "Packing the K" video at the end:
Off-path TCP hijacking in NAT-enabled Wi-Fi networks
High-severity vulnerabilities affect a wide range of Asus router models: via @dangoodin
📺 ⏰ Tune in at the top of the hour (12pm US Central) for our next episode of runZero Hour! We are thrilled to welcome Brianna Cluck of @greynoiseio. We'll dive into Brianna's "x-files," her collection of fascinating payloads, & new threat intel insights. Register here 👉
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